【禁闻】评王立军结局 或叛国死罪 或无期

















Analysts: Wang Lijun Faces Treason Charge:
Death Penalty or Life Sentence?

Wang Lijun fled to the U.S. Consulate and
exposed Chinese Communist Party (CCP) infighting.
This exposed a political scandal to the world.

It triggered the downfall of Bo Xilai and also perhaps
Zhou Yongkang’s dismissal.
It is becoming a public concern about what the
authorities will do with Wang.
Hong Kong media report that Wang would stand trial for
treason next month in Chengdu, Sichuan Province.
Wang could face the death penalty.

Analysts said that Wang could hardly be sentenced
to death, but could receive a life sentence.

On Monday, South China Morning Post cited inside sources
saying the central regime set up a task force.
They may put Wang on trial for treason next month.

The sources said that the trial would take place secretly,
and Wang might be sentenced to death if found guilty.

Xia Xiaoqiang, current affairs commentator thinks it is
unlikely Wang would be sentenced to death. It will be likely to be life imprisonment at most.

Xia Xiaoqiang: “Wang Lijun fled to the U.S. consulate,
and had the CCP split-up, and its inside stories exposed.
Meanwhile, it gave the U.S. government the first ever
opportunity to interfere in the high-levels of the CCP, and have an influence.
By providing the U.S. with these confidential facts,
Wang’s purpose was to protect his life.”

On Feb.13, during Xi Jinping’s visit to the U.S.,
U.S. media reported the Wang incident.
In order to grasp power after the 18th Congress,
Zhou Yongkang planned a military coup against Xi Jinping.
It would take effect after this new year.

Zhou’s plan was to spread rumors via overseas media,
criticizing Xi and weakening Xi’s power.
He would then support Bo to take over as Political
and Legislative Affairs Committee Secretary.
Once Bo controlled the Armed Police and Public Security,
he would take the chance to force Xi to step down.
They also planned to remove Xi Jinping before 2014,
who would then be CCP General Secretary. If necessary, they would arrest him.

Xia Xiaoqiang: “This proves that the U.S. has
documents in hands.
In addition, the U.S. government was questioned
by Congress about refusing Wang Lijun’s asylum.
On this point, under the pressure from the U.S., the CCP
will be unlikely to charge Wang with the death penalty.”

Han Guangsheng, former Shenyang Vice Chief of Police,
is familiar with Wang Lijun.
Han told Radio Free Asia that whatever reason Wang fled
to the U.S. consulate, the CCP won’t accept it.
Wang exposed the CCP to the world, particularly making
it lose face in front of it’s enemy (the U.S.).
The CCP is furious and won’t forgive him.

Commentator Shi Da said that Wang should be charged
with the death penalty.
As he set an example of fleeing to the consulate,
this is against CCP domestic rules.
Generally, the CCP rule is “kill one to warn others”.

However, because Wang triggered the Bo Xilai affair,
Wang’s achievement could reduce his crimes.

Shi Da: “Under Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao’s control,
Wang disclosed Zhou Yongkang and Bo Xilai’s corruption.
However, Wang would request a condition to Hu-Wen,
to secure his life.
The most important thing is, Wang is a live witness;
with his presence, Bo and Zhou can be charged.
To keep Wang alive, Zhou will be in
Hu-Wen’s hands forever.”

South China Morning Post also said that central regime
leaders hoped to deal with Bo, Gu Kailai and Wang Lijun well before the 18th Congress.
This is because Bo’s downfall has aroused outsider
speculation about CCP infighting.

Xia Xiaoqiang: “As we all know, dealing with the Bo case
isn’t Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao and Xi Jinping’s final goal.
The biggest challenge and pressure for them is how to deal
with Zhou Yongkang, and what influence this could have.
Before the 18th Congress, Hu, Wen and Xi not only need
to deal with Zhou.
They also need to draw a clear line with
Jiang Zemin’s “Bloody Faction”.

Independent commentator Hong Jian believes that making
a painstaking investigation is more like Hu-Wen’s style.
That is to “Slowly boil the frog (indicating Jiang Zemin).”

Hong Jian: “At present, the highest priority for Hu-Wen
is to completely eliminate the ‘Bloody Faction’.
To completely separate from the Bloody Faction’s crimes.

The Bloody Faction’s forces are complicated, and operated
over many years, so it takes time to be eliminated.”

Xia Xiaoqiang analyzed that if the Wang case has a result
next month, it indicates high-level CCP leaders have
stepped up the separation between themselves
and Jiang’s Bloody Faction.
Meanwhile, Xi Jinping’s new era won’t continue the
persecution policy towards Falun Gong.
It is possible that they sensed their time is up,
and must be hurry to take action.
