【禁闻】“六四”23周年 大陆官民攻防战


6月4号,天安门事件23周年大陆各地民众发起了悼念活动,《中国茉莉花革命》网站发出“六四全国行动公告 ”,呼吁网民匿名传递六四信息,并号召大陆民众3、4号下午,在各地公共场所“身穿黑衣,散步默哀”。






孙文广:“我就举起平反六四的一个标语,在那里演讲说,说六四应该平反,当局封锁六四信息,让世人忘掉六四这是错误的, 我们应该纪念六四,不该忘记六四,当中又喊了一些口号,包括‘平反六四’啊,‘民主万岁’啊,‘自由万岁’啊,‘宪政万岁’啊,还喊‘打倒独裁’。”








采访编辑/李韵 后制/李月

23rd Anniversary of 6.4 Massacre—the CCP vs. the Public

Voices redressing the 6.4 student movement rise in China,
as the 23rd anniversary of the Tiananmen massacre nears.
Commemorative activities have been held across China, while
the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) media remains muted.
The CCP’s nationwide public and domestic security forces
keep monitoring or putting dissidents under house arrest.
The regime is on high-alert with web surveillance authorities
resolutely removing posts with sensitive words like ‘6.4’.
Even icons of candles that may signify mourning
or commemorating have been removed from postings.

June 4—23rd anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen massacre:
the public initiated memorial events across China.
A public notice on Molihua.org called on Chinese citizens
nationwide to “dress in black” in the afternoons of June 3-4
and take a walk in their local major public areas
to “pay a silent tribute” to those lost in the massacre.

On June 3, in New York Manhattan’s Times Square,
Chinese social organizations held an activity.
In the form of street art, the social organizations
reproduced the iconic image of Wang Weilin,
the young man who stopped the advancing CCP military
tank in the Tiananmen student massacre.

Some survivors of the ‘6.4 Student Democracy Movement’
like Zhang Jian, who was gunshot and later exiled in Paris,
launched a campaign of “wearing black T-shirts on June 4th”
—echoed by mainlanders in 20+ provinces and in Taiwan.

An online petition for rehabilitating the 6.4 Student Movement
called on the public—including the UN Secretary General, heads of state, and Zhongnanhai’s staff—to sign.

June 3—The U.S. State Department issued a statement
urging the CCP “to release all those still serving sentences for their participation in the demonstrations;
to provide a full public account of those killed, detained or
and to end the continued harassment of demonstrators
and their families."

Over the years, Sun Wenguang, a retired professor of
Shandong University,
has continued to write articles for the Vindication of
the 6.4 Student Movement.
On June 3, along with his friends, Sun made a speech
in a park, to call on the vindication of the 6.4 movement.

Sun Wenguang: “I held a banner reading “Rehabilitate 6.4”
while giving my speech there.
It is wrong that the authorities are still blocking the truth
of the 6.4 movement;
the CCP regime are trying to make the Chinese citizens
forget the 6.4 event—but instead, we should remember it.
I also chanted some slogans, like: ‘Down with dictatorship’,
‘Long live democracy’, ‘Rehabilitate 6.4’, ‘Long live freedom’, and ‘Long live constitutional governance’.”

Sun Wenguang said, the crowd of audience followed him in
shouting the slogans, presenting a very spectacular scene.
Unusually, the public security police did not show up
to stop their chanting, on that day.

Sun Wenguang: “Now something has changed—At noon,
I was prohibited (by public security) to go outside my home
between this afternoon (the 4th) and tomorrow—otherwise,
they warned, I will be detained in the police station.”

Guizhou-based dissidents have insisted in commemorating
the 6.4 movement, over the past years.
They held a commemorative activity recently,
which was not interfered with by the local authorities.
Afterwards, the organizer’s son told NTDTV that on May 30,
his parents had been detained by policemen from the local
Domestic Security Division, and that currently their
whereabouts were unknown.
Moreover, several local dissidents have also been
taken away by the police.

So far, the CCP’s official media has not made any mention
on “the June 4th” movement.
However, across the country, the CCP’s public security and
Domestic Security police forces have kept their monitoring of
some targeted dissidents or prevented them from going out.

Some Shanghai residents went to Beijing to participate in
a vocal concert in memory of June 4th. The host Tian Lan remains “missing” so far.

Initiator of the Tiananmen Mothers group, Ding Zilin,
was also warned not to go outside her home on June 3-4,
and is also unable to accept media interviews.

The CCP Web Surveillance departments and Microblog
censors have been on high alert over these few days.
In order to prevent a flood of mourning candlelight online,
the Sina Microblogs service removed the candle icon.

Sun Wenguang points out that “the 6.4 massacre” is
a burden that has rested heavily upon the CCP regime.
The victims’ souls of “the 6.4 massacre” will cling to the CCP,
provided the incident remains unhandled, Sun remarks.
