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《北京之春》杂志主编 胡平:“另外更重要的一点,是现在这个政权就是靠官员的腐败,来维系这个制度的运转,也就是说他需要官员去腐败,你要不腐败就成了异类了,如果你不腐败,就被其他官员们认为政治上的不可靠,所以这么一来,官员的贪污腐败就变本加厉。”

胡平表示,尽管中共当局有时候会搞一些打击贪污腐败的行动,但是成效非常小,而且他打击的对像都是权力斗争的失败者,并不是真正贪污腐 败的罪行恶劣者,因此,尽管当局的打击贪污腐败的呼声很高,但是腐败不但没有收敛,反而是发展得越来越厉害。





采访/陈汉 编辑/黄亿美 后制/郭敬

Record Exposes China’s Corrupt Officials, Dubbed: The Spectacular Squadron

A reader of The Epoch Times provided editors with a list
summarizing all of the corrupt officials from each province in China,
who have fled overseas with bribery money.
The list was categorized by corruption and fleeing.
The list was mockingly dubbed, “The Spectacular Squadron,”
which is “sustainable developing to become bigger and bigger.”
Commentators said that this list is disgraceful and
the disaster of a nation.
In the system of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) there is
a lack of checks and balances and public supervision of the Party.
Thus, there are many chances for corruption. The issue of
corrupt officials is of most concern to the people of China.

On July 12, The Epoch Times published the summary of
all the corrupt officials from each province in China,
who have fled overseas with embezzled money.

The summary shows that by November 26, 2011,
at least 7,101 CCP officials have fled to the US,
with a total of 336 billion Yuan (525 million US$).

This “Summary of Corrupt Chinese Officials”
covers a wide range.
It lists corrupt officials from all provinces who have fled to
and made investments in the US, including hundreds of high-level officials.

Hu Ping, Chief Editor of Beijing Spring magazine,
feels that its no news that many CCP officials have fled overseas with large sums of money.
However, it normally lacks of a detailed statistics.
Someone now has provided The Epoch Times with
this list detailing the corrupt officials of each province that
have fled overseas and how much money they have embezzled.
It will help the public learn more about CCP officials’

Hu Ping also said that the CCP’s current system is actually
encouraging corruption.
Just like a gang, as long as you are an official involved in
this political system, you have to rely on it because you are all in the same boat.
If the current system changes, these officials might be accused,
so they have to devote themselves to maintain the regime.

Hu Ping, Chief Editor of Beijing Spring: “Another important
point is that the current regime is dependent on
the corruption of officials in order to maintain the system,
which means it requires corruption.
If you are not corrupted, then you become an outcast
because other officials will consider you politically unreliable.
As a result, corruption will only intensify in China’s officialdom.”

Hu Ping said that although the CCP authorities often launch
crackdowns on corruption, the effect is limited.
Also, whom they crack down on are those who lose in power
struggles instead of those who are severely corrupt.
Thus, despite the large-scale crackdowns,
corruption still intensifies rather than decreases.

According to The Epoch Times, a study on the CCP’s Central
Committee shows that
among 204 committee members, 91% of them have
their families immigrated overseas or become foreign citizens.
Even among the 127 members of the Central Commission for
Discipline Inspection, 88% of them have their families immigrated overseas.

According to the report, statistics from the US government
shows that 74.5% of China’s upper ministerial officials,
including the sons and daughters of retired officials,
have US green cards or citizenship.
Among their grandchildren, over 91% have US citizenship.

Zhang Xinyu, founder of the Global Freedom of Info.Campaign:
“The primary and the most fundamental factor is that
they do not have any hope for the CCP and its regime.
They all regard that the Party will collapse.
They feel it is risky to leave their families and properties
in mainland China.
Thus, they move their family members and money overseas.

This further indicates that overseas, including
Europe and the US are safe and civilized nations.”

Zhang believes that moving from an unsafe place
to somewhere safe is a reflection of a basic need in a living being, to survive.
Hence, as long as China is ruled by the CCP,
China is doomed to be an unsafe nation.
