【禁闻】中共放风 要求希拉里访问给面子







美国“ 哥伦比亚大学”政治学博士李天笑也指出,中共政权提出美国“战略东移”这个问题,实际上是故作姿态。

美“哥伦比亚大学”政治学博士 李天笑:“中共是一个邪恶的政权,所以,任何利用它现在所发展起来的经济力量,来从事军事扩张,都会引起亚太地区的忧虑。东南亚国家自然就跟美国进行联合,对中共军事扩张进行遏止。中共就感到恐惧了。实际上这个事情对中国老百姓来讲,不存在什么疑虑。”






采访编辑/梁欣 后制/葛雷

A Face Asked by Beijing Regime from the U.S.

Xinhuanet.com, the mouthpiece of the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) commented on the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s visit to China.
They expected the visit to help enhance
the US-China strategic mutual trust.
It would also eliminate the doubts over the
US returning to Asia aiming to curb China.
Commentators say the US return to Asia aiming
to besiege the CCP.
It was the CCP that asked the U.S. to release nice words
to save its face.

On September 4th, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
began her visit to China, a part of her six Asian-country trip.
On September 2nd, Xinhua News Agency published an
It stated to “look forward to” Clinton’s visit to help
dispel the existing public doubts.
It specified the doubts to be “the US’ return to Asian
Pacific Region aiming to curb China”.

US-based critic Chen Pokong says that the CCP clearly
knows the US containment policy was designed to curb it.
However, it still reported the news to show a friendly
surface to fool the Chinese civilians.

Chen Pokong: “The CCP intentionally used the phrase —
“look forward to” the U.S. …..
This can fully demonstrate its propaganda to the Chinese
That is, the US-China relationship is still good and stable.

It doesn’t want the Chinese civilians to know that it has been
besieged and isolated by the international community headed by the U.S.
It wants to save a face, especially ahead of
its 18th Party Congress."

The Xinhua agency alleged that the Asia-Pacific region had
generally stable security before the U.S. return.
However, the US, after its “return" to the area,
significantly strengthened military deployment.
The U.S. action has intensified the region’s situation and
doubts from the related countries, said the Xinhua news.

Chen Pokong: “This is just the CCP’s own view.

the CCP stepped up military stockpiling when the Bush
administration was focusing on the Central Asia and the Middle East regions.
In fact, the CCP’s aggression in the South China Sea
has long angered the small neighboring countries.
The U.S. return to Asia quickly changed the situation.
But the CCP immediately ruined its diplomatic image in Asia,
which was built in the past 10 years.
So the regime is now in a dangerous situation."

Li Tianxiao, Ph.D in political science at Columbia University,
says the CCP faked it to tout the U.S. “strategic shift to Asia”.

Li Tianxiao: “The CCP is known as an evil regime.

So its military expansion by means of economic force
gives rise to concerns by the Asia-Pacific countries.
These countries allied the U.S. to curb its military rise,
so the CCP has fears.
On this issue, there is no doubt raised by
the Chinese civilians.”

The Xinhua news claimed the U.S. official recently spoke of
the situation of undertaking its “defense obligations for Japan”.
The article said that this remark was slightly different from
the U.S previous affirmation.
The U.S. has long stated that the US-Japan Security Treaty
applies to the Diaoyu Islands (Senkaku Islands).
The CCP mouthpiece interpreted it as the U.S. goodwill
released ahead of Hillary Clinton’s visit to China.

Chen Pokong: “I view it as a mere diplomatic parlance.
The U.S. won’t yield to on the Diaoyu Islands issues.
If the U.S. gives in, that means it lets the CCP become
a ruler in Asia. That’s just impossible.
I think this remark is either the U.S. gave a face to the CCP,
or the CCP asked the U.S. to give it a face.
The CCP expects the U.S. to show flexibility. That will help
the regime to get out of the embarrassing situation in China.”

Chen Pokong says the U.S. isolation policy toward the CCP
in term of economy, military and politics has never ceased.
Li Tianxiao remarks that the CCP attempts to get something
nice from Clinton on the eve of the U.S. presidential election.
However, in reality, the CCP’s evil has made many analysts
in international community understand the situation.

Li Tianxiao: “In human history, the CCP regime is the most
evil, even more brutal than that of Nazi Germany.
The regime’s persecution of the Chinese people includes
the live organ harvesting and mass killing of civilians.
It is a major challenge to the entire international order
after the Second World War."

Li Tianxiao stressed that the U.S. government should openly
curb the CCP from continuing its evil-doing.
Li Tianxiao called on the U.S. to conduct more in-depth studies
on the various issues that have emerged inside the CCP.
For example, over 100 million Chinese people renounced to
“Quit the CCP”;
Over 200,000 mass protests erupted annually in China;

The CCP top leadership is falling apart inside which was
triggered by power grabbing.
The above three examples may help step up the CCP’s
collapse, according to Li Tianxiao.
