【禁闻】66万贪官薄熙来居首 仅2万受刑责


10月15号,《新华社》报导列举了来自中共纪委监察部的统计数字:从2007年11月至今年6月,全中国纪检监察机关共接受信访举报案件660万6千多件,立案64万3千多件,结案6 3万9千多件,给予党纪政纪处分6 6万8千多人。














采访/李韵 编辑/宋风 后制/王明宇

660,000 corrupt officials with 20,000 punished

CCP mouthpiece Xinhua News Agency reported, a total of
more than 660,000 corrupt officials in China have been checked for violating the law
and discipline since the 17th Communist Party Congress
in 2007, including Bo Xilai, Liu Zhijun, Xu Zongheng and other major cases.
However, scholars said that, after taking power,
the CCP helped the ruling class benefit to help the continuation of the one party dictatorship.

On Oct. 15th, Xinhua News Agency cited statistics
from the Ministry of Supervision of the CCP Discipline
Inspection Commission:
from November 2007 to June 2012,
discipline inspection and supervision organs received
6,600,006 thousand reported cases.
They filed 640,003 thousand cases, closed 6329,000 cases
and punished more than 668,000 people by CCP discipline.
It was reported that, the Ministry of Supervision of the CCP
Discipline Inspection Commission seriously dealt with Bo Xilai,
Liu Zhijun, Xu Zongheng and other major cases, including

Kang Rixin, Huang Yao, Wang Yi, Zhang Jiameng,
Liu Zhuozhi, Huang Sheng and other senior officials.

Zhao Yuanming, expert of law and Chinese Studies
pointed out, Bo Xilai is special and top-notch among more than 600,000 corrupt officials.
According to the disclosures from overseas media, the amount
of money Bo Xilai transferred abroad is about $ 6 billion USD,
and he played with more than 100 women,
20-30 of whom are public figures.
He also planned to win over the military, the foreign media,
as well as some of the writers to get Xi Jinping down in the 18th CCP National Congress.
Zhao Yuanming: “He focused on money and also on power.

He used the dirty money to build connections with armies
and find supporters.
It is possible for him to get the support
of the army for taking his position.”
Before this news, Xinhua News Agency also reported that
He Guoqiang, member of the Standing Committee of the
Politburo and also the head of CCP Discipline Inspection
Commission announced at the 22nd meeting of the Central Anti-Corruption Coordination Group,
from November 2011 to June 2012, there were more than
660,000 people punished by the inspection organs with so-called “party discipline”,
and more than 24,000 were transferred to judicial organs for
suspicion of having committed crimes.

Why is the number of people punished by party discipline
much more than the number of people brought to justice?
The outside world wants to explore the reasons.

Liu Yinquan, the host of the Central Committee of the Chinese
Social Democratic Party: “Some people should be sentenced,
but they are protected by his/her faction and finally
exempted from criminal punishment.
The offences of Bo Xilai include live organ harvesting,
corpse processing plants, murders and large-scale corruption.
Therefore, Bo Xilai should be sentenced to death with
immediate enforcement. But he may just be sentenced to death with reprieve.”
Liu Yinquan also pointed out, in the case of one-party rule,
court, procuratorate, public security bureau are led by the party,
and a lot of punishments are just specified decisions
made by the Politics and Law Committee.
Besides, CCP officials like to hold each other into a group,
then they may protect others from being punished with just sentencing in law.
Hu Xingdou, a professor at Beijing Institute of Technology
once calculated that, probably less than one percent of the Chinese corrupt officials were investigated.
He said to Voice of America, officials who were brought
to justice may be marginalized people
or those who failed to get protection from the power
safety net protecting those at higher level.

Zhao Yuanming thought, after the CCP took power,
it took the continuation of dictatorship as being of primary importance.
Therefore, the CCP just provides benefits for
the ruling class and leaves a trend of corruption.
Zhao Yuanming: “CCP just uses the anti-corruption
banner to confuse people and get their support.
Besides, the CCP can also kick out corrupt officials
who are less obedient or of low competence by using the anti-corruption banner.”

Hu Xingdou said, the investigation intensity of the CCP
Discipline Inspection Commission lags far behind the growing rate of corruption cases.
Fundamental problems cannot be solved by inner-party
institutions, if the social system does not change.
However, the website of People’s Bank of China cited the
research data of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences last
June and mentioned, since the mid-1990s, there have been
16000-18000 officials who have absconded,
and what they carried amounted to 800 billion RMB-
an average of fifty million RMB each.

However, no one can provide a figure for the amount of
dirty money handled by corrupt CCP officials.
