【禁闻】官员为环保呼口号 民众抗议仍频发
















采访/李丽 编辑/黄亿美 后制/郭敬

CCP officials are practically shouting slogans for the environment,
so why are people still protesting frequently?

China is a high energy consumption country and has
a high discharge level of carbon dioxide as well, thus, air, water and industrial pollution is serious.
However, Communist China’s Environmental Protection
Minister, Zhou Shengxian, stated in a press release during the 18th Congress,
that when economies develop to a certain level,
these environmental problems naturally appear.
In the future, they will strengthen the Environmental
Assessment in accordance with the law,
and establish an evaluation mechanism
to avoid the social risk.
Environmentalists say this is an excuse to protect
officials from corruption,
and some local officials ignore the environmental
assessment to gain interest, and disregard the health of the people.

During the press conference, a reporter asked Zhou

due to recently mass incidents triggered by
environmental issues have increased in China,
and how the regime will prevent and resolve this.

Environmental Protection Minister Zhou Shengxian replied,
“When economic and social development reaches a certain level,
the environmental problems will naturally appear.
Right now is a sensitive period for the environment of China.”

Mainland environmentalist Chen Yunfei said that
these officials who are not elected by the people basically cannot sense the suffering of the people.

Chen Yunfei: “Your living environment has been destroyed
to develop the economy, what’s that for?
The environmental pollution caused sickness and ecological
destruction, what do we need the money and materials for?
Obviously, the officials in charge do not understand this,
or they simply do not listen to what the real experts say regarding this."

Vice president of the “Beijing University Pen” in US,
He Ze, thinks
there is no conflict between economic developments
and environmental protection, but economic developments
have a direct relationship with corrupt interest groups,
and an unhealthy legal system has a worse impact.

He Ze: “Every country has economy, the US also has
economic development and engages in building chemical plants,
but they have a healthy legal system
so that problems can be solved legally.
Unreasonable projects can be prevented in time,
and won’t cause a lot of conflicts.
Thus, the bottom line is the country’s institutional problem,
not an economic problem."

At the press conference, Zhou also said that since the 16th
Congress, the CCP Central Committee and State Council,
have further strengthened environmental protection,
and placed it in a more important strategic position.
In other words, the awareness of environmental protection
has been stronger in officials’ minds.

However, in recent years, a series of mass environmental
incidents have taken place in China one by one.

Last August (in 2011), tens of thousands of people
participated in the “walking" against the Dalian Chemical Plant PX project,
to express their dissatisfaction with
the local projectthat is harmful to public health.

In March of this year, Xinzheng City, Henan Province,
cut off hundreds of old date trees along the Xingang Blvd.
Their excuse was that it was for landscaping and greening,
and they received many complaints from villagers.

In July, Sichuan Shifang City, thousands of people worried
that the molybdenum copper development project
would seriously damage the local environment,
and thus had strong conflicts with the police.
At the same time in Qidong, Jiangsu, the public protested
against paper mill sewage pollution of the environment.

In October, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, there was an outbreak
of mass demonstrations of thousands of people protesting against a local petrochemical plant expansion.

The Communist regime, pursues profit
and economic growth at all costs.
The pollution problem has become one of the main reasons
for the unrest of the Chinese people.
More and more people are brave enough
to express opposing views regarding possible
environmental pollution caused by various engineering
projects in their homeland.

The new leaders of the Chinese Communists
have to face the challenge of
how to deal with the demands of the growing
environmental awareness of Chinese citizens.
