





数万港人“倒梁” 拒中共之手

1月1号,香港数万民众上街示威游行, 要求特首梁振英下台,示威者有的高举梁振英被绘成吸血鬼或者狼的巨幅画像,有的打出“梁振英下台,不要共产党治港”、“要求普选”等横幅。还有人打着英国殖民时期的旗帜,高呼“梁振英辞职”的口号。



据《自由亚洲电台》报导,最近证实,2005年因言获罪,被判刑十年的维吾尔族青年作家努力默赫默德.亚森(Nurmemet Yasin),2011年在新疆沙雅监狱病死。







Several Hundred Netizens Call for Release of Zhu Chengzhi

Twenty two activists in mainland China
have launched an online petition.
The petition is to rescue the democrat
Zhu Chengzhi, and has triggered a wide response.
In two days, over 400 supporters have signed their names.

The petition letter was jointly written by several activists,
including Wang Lizhi, Ai Xiaoming and Jiang Tianyong.
Zhu Chengzhi has supported democrat Li Wangyang
in Shangyang, Hunan province, when Li was persecuted.
As Li died mysteriously, Zhu insisted to uphold justice
for his friend, but Zhu was persecuted by the authorities.
Though Zhu lost his freedom, his mind was still unchanged.

The petition letter said that since June 8, 2012 until now,
62-year-old Zhu has his freedom taken for 200 days.
It is unclear if the charge of “inciting subversion
of state power” placed on Zhu will put him in jail.
It is unpredictable how long Zhu will have his freedom taken.

The petition letter also requests
Shangyang authorities to release Zhu.
Activist Wu Gan, who was one of the founders of this petition,
said that the online signature campaign is the first step.
More events will follow.

Thousands Protest China-Backed Leader in Hong Kong

Tens of thousands of people in Hong Kong
held protests on 2013 New Year’s Day.
They called for leader Leung Chun-ying to step down.

Some protesters held signs depicting
Leung as Pinocchio or a wolf.
Some protesters carried banners saying:

“Leung Chun-Ying step down, no need for
the Communist Party to control Hong Kong”. “We need election rights”.
Some waved the British colonial-era flag,
chanting, “Leung Chun-ying step down.”

Deutsche Welle reported on Tsoi Yiu-cheong,
a vice-chairman of Hong Kong Alliance.
Tsoi said that apart from people in Hong Kong
distrusting Leung’s personality and credibility,
they were more worried that the Chinese Communist
Party’s (CCP) manipulated Leung’s election.
In addition, after Leung took office, Beijing
authorities and its Liaison Office in Hong Kong
have increasingly intervened Hong Kong affairs.

Uighur Writer Nurmemet Yasin Died in Prison in 2011

Radio Free Asia reported that Uighur writer,
Nurmemet Yasin was serving a ten year jail
sentence for criticizing CCP rule in 2005.

Recently, he was confirmed to have
died in Xinjiang’s Shaya Prison in 2011.

Yasin’s family revealed that he wrote a letter to the
family in 2009, saying he was in a critical condition.
However, the family wasn’t allowed to visit him.

The report cited lawyer Teng Biao, who said that a friend
of Yasin told him that conditions in the prison were poor.
Teng said human rights lawyer
Gao Zhisheng was held in the same prison.
Before Gao was transferred to this prison, he had been
Badly tortured, so Teng was worried about Gao’s situation.

Tibetan Open Petition Event Against New Education Policy

Over 500 Tibetan ethnic teachers, and 5,000 students
have launched petition events in their local districts.
The event is to against the CCP’s education policy
carried out in all medium schools in Qinghai province.
The new policy added the Chinese language
in addition to their mother language, during class.

The petition letter said that since new policies
have been implemented, Tibetan students
had their scores dropped significantly.
The letter requested the CCP to comply with their laws
on Regional Ethnic Autonomy, and to immediately stop
new policing at Tibetan ethnic schools.
