【禁闻】劳教预算收入从何来? 公民纳税钱





网路作家 吴建国:“有些中国的老百姓却认为这个与我无关,只要我不冒犯你们,劳教问题就与我粘不上边。但从这篇报导可以看出,这个劳教需要支付庞大的费用,一个广东省一年就要支付4亿多,全国要支付多少﹖那都是一个天文数字。而这笔钱主要来自于公共财政,也就是纳税人的钱。”


美国华府中国问题专家 石藏山:“中国老百姓应该知道,纳税人的钱,却是在做一个非法的事情,现在中国的劳教所实际上是一个不合法的,劳教所是一个‘非罪’的一个关押的场所,其实我们每一个中国人,既是受害者,因为你缴纳的税,又变成了一个非法迫害普通、无罪的人的一个来源,就变成了一个参与者。”






经济学家 程晓农:“就算中共表面上废除劳教制度,它换个名义又出来了,我绝对不相信共产党会把劳教这套做法,就轻轻松松取消了,如果以为共产党会这样做,谁这么想谁傻瓜﹗它只不过换个名义而已,共产党这个把戏多的去了,也不是第一回了。”


采访编辑/常春 后制/薛莉

Where does Labor Camp Budget
come from ?- Taxpayers!

Will China’s controversial Reeducation through Labor
System be repealed or improved? There’s no confirmation.
A few days ago, the website of Guangdong Province
Reeducation through Labor Bureau published notification.
That 466 million RMB of the 2012 budget income of the
bureau comes from public budget allocation.
Analysts pointed out that the existence of labor camps
is one reason why the Chinese Communist Party steals the public’s hard-earned money,
Is is also a reason for violation of the constitution and
so called reeducation through labor.

The 21st Century Business Herald reported that most of
the operating costs of Guangdong Reeducation Through
Labor Bureau comes from public financial allocation.

This is a huge figure. According to the Bureau’s website,
R E T L’s budget in 2012 was 511 million RMB,
466 million came from public financial allocation.

In addition, the reeducation through labor budget of
Zhejiang Hangzhou City Prison and Reeducation
Through Labor Bureau in 2012 was 323 million RMB, and
95% of which 307 million was from public financial allocation.

WikiLeaks has disclosed that China’s public financial allocation
is public funds, which means it’s taxpayers’ money.

Wu Jianguo, an internet writer said the existence of labor
camps is responsible for theft of the public’s hard-earned money.

Wu Jianguo: “Some Chinese people think
they don’t have any problem with the system.
If I don’t offend you (CCP),
I won’t be detained in a labor camp.
From this report, we can see that the reeducation
through labor system needs a large amount of money.
If just one province like Guangdong needs more than
400 million RMB, then how much is needed for all of China?
It will be an astronomical figure. This money is from
public finance which means it’s the money of taxpayers.”

Shi Zangshan, a Washington expert on China issues
reminds Chinese that the CCP extracts money from people.
It also commits many crimes that victimize people
and use them for its economic resources.
Shi Zangshan thinks the existence of labor camps is also
trampling on the conscience of the Chinese people.

Shi Zangshan, Washington expert on China issues,
“Chinese people should know that taxpayers’ money is used for something illegal.
The labor camp is illegal in fact. A labor camp is a place
for detaining ‘innocent people’.
In fact every Chinese is a victim because the tax paid
is a resource to persecute ordinary and innocent people.
Every Chinese is a participant in this.”

Cheng Xiaonong, an economist analyzed that the
reeducation through labor system is part of the CCP’s dictatorship.
It’s like the “610 office” which spends taxes. He also said that
in China, the taxpayers don’t have the right to speak out.
This means the only right they have is to pay taxes.
The CCP can spend the taxes arbitrarily after it has received them.

As everybody knows, the labor camps are an
“extrajudicial area” in China.
The authorities can take freedom away from
Chinese citizens without any legal process.
This black hole is even blacker than normal prisons
since there’s no legal monitoring mechanism there.
Many killings, tortures beyond people’s belief
take place in China’s labor camps.

Shi Zangshan thinks every Chinese can become a victim.

Shi Zangshan: ”You might say you aren’t a victim today,
but maybe you will be a victim tomorrow.
For example, your house may be forcibly demolished.

You may stand up to protect your house and your benefit,
but you may hurt some corrupt officials’ interests.
Then these corrupt officials will detain you through some
legal loophole, including reeducation through labor.”

Cheng Xiaonong thinks Chinese people should try to
ask for the “Right to Monitor the Regime”.
He said it’s no use to talk about others
if people don’t have this right.

Economist Cheng Xiaonong: “Even if the CCP repeals the
reeducation through labor system, it will use another name to create a similar system tomorrow.
I absolutely do not believe that the
CCP can abolish this system so easily.
No matter who thinks CCP will do it, that person is a fool.
It’ll just change to another name.
The CCP has pulled too many of these kinds of tricks
all through it’s history. It’s not the first time.”

According to official data, currently there’re 350 labor camps
in mainland China where 160,000 people are detained.
However, some non-governmental organizations believe that
the total of people detained in labor camps is about 1million.
