








1970年,16岁的“红卫兵”张红兵,写所谓检举信,举发自己母亲在家里的言行,两个月后张红兵母亲遭到枪决。 30多年来,张红兵常常在梦里见到母亲,并嚎啕大哭,现在张红兵忏悔不已,认为自己犯了弑母罪。







采访编辑/刘惠 后制/钟元

Wuer Kaixi’s Fourth Attempt to Return to China Fails

The 1989 Tiananmen student movement leader Wuer Kaixi
has failed in his fourth attempt to surrender himself
to the Chinese Communist Party’s regime.

Hong Kong authorities deported Wuer Kaixi,
who wanted to visit his parents in China.
Wuer Kaixi says it’s absurd that the regime has rejected his
surrender four times, as he’s on China’s most wanted list.
Commentators say that dissidents’ being able to return
to visit their parents shows that the regime’s so-called
“law to visit parents" is just to release the pension burden
from the government.

On Nov. 25, Wuer Kaixi, the student leader of the 1989
pro-democracy movement, arrived in the Hong Kong airport.
For six hours, he demanded the Hong Kong authorities
to arrest him and hand him over to the Communist regime.
After hours of negotiation, Hong Kong immigration officials
refused his request and forcibly deported him to Taiwan.

Since 2009, Wuer Kaixi has unsucessfully tried
to enter China or surrender to Chinese consulates via Macau,
Tokyo and Washington D.C.

Wuer Kaixi, leader in the 1989 pro-democracy movement:
“I asked them to extradite me back to China.
If I’m sentenced, at least they (my parents) can see me
in prison.
I hope they (the CCP regime) will let me go home sooner.
I won’t end my pursuit to return. I will return to China."

Former China-based history professor Liu Yinquan
currently lives in the U.S.
For the past 13 years, he has been unable to go back to China.
His parents are over 80 years old.
Last year, his father was hospitalized 7 times for illnesses.

He has wanted to visit his father, but the Chinese Embassy
refused to renew his passport, leaving him unable
to fulfill his filial piety.

Liu Yinquan, former history professor:
“Sometimes I considered sneaking back into China, even if
it were just once before being jailed.

But I can’t get to see them, not even after my father dies,
not even for the funeral.
I’ll never get to see my father again.
It is such a torture, inhumane, and it’s like killing us."

The CCP has developed enemies
via constant political movements.
While those who were considered a threat to its ruling
will be killed and insulted,
and their families are demanded to draw lines between them.

Tragedies such as father and son hurting each other
become the norm.

During the Cultural Revolution, former party secretary
Bo Xilai expressed his loyalty to the CCP by stomping on
his father, breaking three of his ribs.

In 1970, the 16-year-old Red Guard Zhang Hongbing, wrote
a letter to report on his mother’s words and deeds at home.
Two months later, Zhang Hongbing’s mother was executed.

For 30 years, Zhang Hongbing often dreamt of his mother,
and cried in his dreams.
Zhang says he apologizes with great regret
for killing his mother.

Liu Yinquan: “The CCP has two goals. One is to
completely destroy the traditional Chinese culture so that
the Marxism-Leninism and Maoism will dominate in China.
Filial piety is almost central to traditional Chinese culture.
The CCP’s second goal is to make all submit to the CCP
by fully eliminating human nature."

On the 15th, CCP official media reported that an 87-year-old
woman in Beijing surnamed Yu had raised 7 children
on her own, working temporary jobs.

The eldest son has passed away.

Her six remaining children refuse to take care of her because
of unsettled elderly support, leaving her in an ambulance.
She wore a tattered shirt she bought when she was in her 20s.

During the media interview, she complimented her children
as being good kids and said she longs for one of them to visit
her and feed her food.

On July 1, the “Elderly Protection Law" went into effect,
requiring those living apart from their elderly relatives to
regularly visit them, or else they are breaking the law.

Liu Yinquan says that the CCP has ruined filial piety
and now faces the consequences.
He says the CCP is only using the Elderly Protection Law to
avoid the pension issue, and transfer the burden to the people.

Liu Yinquan: “It also shows this hypocrisy of the CCP.
Rather than recovering the virtue of the traditional Chinese
culture, and abandoning the philosophy of struggle,
they order people to visit their parents.
Can this solve the problem? If it’s not resolved psychologically,
what use is it to make them (visit their parents)?"

Liu Yinquan says that the CCP’s rejecting Wuer Kaixi’s wish
to visit his parents in China takes the lead in breaking the law.
It also shows that this so-called Elderly Protection Law is
just as superficial as a piece of paper.

Interview & Edit/LiuHui Post-Production/ZhongYuan
