【禁闻】与李克强 王岐山一起上榜的还有谁?

【新唐人2014年01月02日讯】海外团体发新年祝词 促释放政治犯



海外“民主中国阵线”组织的新年祝词,则以“抗暴烽火燎原 中共专制必亡”为标题,他们除了向所有被关押的政治犯及家属表达节日的祝福外,还要求北京当局立即释放包括维族、藏族、蒙古族等多个民族在内的异见人士。并预言中共专制政权在2014年将更加危机重重。

香港新年游行 陆商被迫取消行程







与李克强 王岐山一起上榜的还有谁?



不过,中共党媒《新华网》12月30 号在引述这个报导的时候,却刻意去掉了名单中的王功权、许志永、浦志强三名维权人士,引起中国网友的不满。


这位网友在文章中还同时贴出了许志永、浦志强与李克强共同入围2013 “全球百名思想家”榜单的截图。



New Year’s Blessings Urge Release of Political Prisoners

On New Year’s Day, overseas Chinese groups published
New Year greetings to the detained political prisoners in
China and addressed Beijing’s misdeeds in violating
human rights.

The Independent Chinese Pen Center stated in a New Year
greeting to jailed Chinese writers that the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) continues to imprison a large number of people
for their words, including more than 10 PEN members.
The Center delivered blessings to them and their families
and called for the end of the inquisition by the CCP.

Federation for a Democratic China published a New Year
message titled, “Uprising flames on the prairie, the tyranny
perishes", expressing holiday wishes to all political prisoners
and their families.
They demanded that Beijing immediately release Uygur,
Tibetan, and Mongolian dissidents and predicted the dire
situation the regime will face in 2014.

Chinese Communist Party Forbids Chinese to Join
in Hong Kong New Year Parade

Thousands of people marched on New Year’s Day in Hong
Kong calling for real direct election of the Chief Executive.

While Hong Kong police are busy with maintaining the order
of the march, police in China are busy with arresting.

According to Hong Kong based Apple Daily, businessman
Wei Xiaobing was questioned by the police, detained, and
his permit to enter Hong Kong was confiscated.

It is said that Wei Xiaobing participated in past New Year
Parades in Hong Kong and the Hong Kong 1 July protests.
He has probably been targeted by the
Chinese security since then.

Three other Chinese netizens have also been forced to cancel
their trips to Hong Kong.

In recent years, many Chinese have particularly visited
Hong Kong to participate in the march.
They have not only helped to increase the scale of the march,
but also bring Hong Kong the truth about grievances in China.

Who Else Made the List With Li Keqiang and Wang Qishan?

Eight Chinese made it into the 100 leading global thinkers of
2013 of the renowned Foreign Policy magazine.
This is the first time the magazine has
recognized so many Chinese.

Among the eight Chinese are Li Keqiang, Wang Qishan,
Xie Zhenhua, Wang Jianlin, Jia Zhangke, Wang Gongquan,
Xu Zhiyong, and Pu Zhiqiang.

However, the state controlled media, Xinhua, deliberately
removed activists, Wang Gongquan, Xu Zhiyong, and Pu
Zhiqiang in its December 30 report, which has caused
dispute from the Chinese netizens.

Netizen Chen Zihe questioned in his blog post, “Exactly who
else is on the list along with Wang Qishan and Li Keqiang?
The media has been very unkind by deliberately concealing
the facts.
Aren’t Wang Gongquan, Xu Zhiyong, and
Pu Zhiqiang Chinese too?"

Screenshots of the magazine report showing Xu Zhiyong,
Pu Zhiqiang, and Li Keqiang as the finalists of the 2013
global thinkers were also made available by the netizens.

Foreign Policy magazine was founded in 1970.

It is recognized as one of the world’s most influential
international affairs journals.

