白萝卜 2.4kg White Radish
粘米粉 340g Rice Flour
水(浸冬菇水和虾米水) 300ml Water (Including the water which used for soaking the mushroom and dried shrimps)
虾米 75g Dried Shrimps
腊肠 75g Chinese Style Sausages
腊肉 75g Chinese Style Bacon
冬菇(可不加) 10pcs Mushroom (Optional)
干葱 1pc Red Onion
蒜头 1pc Garlic
白芝麻 4汤匙 White Sesame
冰糖 ½ Crystal Sugar
盐 ½茶匙 Salt
鸡粉 1茶匙 Chicken Powder
胡椒粉 1tps Pepper
本文网址: https://cn.ntdtv.com/gb/2019/02/13/a102510945.html