Shanghai Introduces One-Dog Policy
By Daniel Chen, David Lee
1. Household n. [ˋhaʊs͵hold] 家庭
2. Pad out ph. 填满
3. Furry adj. [ˋfɝɪ] 毛茸茸的
4. Curb v. [kɝb] 抑制
5. Rampant adj. [ˋræmpənt] 猖獗的;泛滥的
6. Unscooped adj. [ʌnˋskupt] 未铲起的
7. Poop n. [pup] 屎
8. Go into effect ph. 生效
9. Vaccinate v. [ˋvæksn͵et] 给…接种疫苗
10. Rabies n. [ˋrebiz] 狂犬病
11. Mastiff n. [ˋmæstɪf] 獒犬
12. Bulldog n. [ˋbʊl͵dɔg] 斗牛犬
Chinese households hoping to pad out their one-child families with furry companions face a new obstacle — a one-dog policy.
那些希望有毛茸茸的伙伴,让一胎化下的家更热闹的中国家庭,得要面对一个新的障碍 – 一狗化政策。
New regulations by Shanghai authorities rule that residents are permitted just one dog per household. Unlicensed pets will have to be given away.
Chinese authorities say the rules are to curb rampant barking, unscooped poops and the rising occurrence of dog attacks.
Dog ownership has exploded with China’s growing elite, with about 140,000 licensed dogs in Shanghai and official estimates of a further 600,000 unlicensed ones.
随着中国上流社会人口的增加,养狗人数也随之爆涨。在上海,领有牌照的狗约 14万只,无牌的官方估计有超过60万只。
The policy will go into effect on May 15th. Owners will be required to regularly vaccinate their dogs against rabies and do annual checks.
Attack dogs like Tibetan mastiffs and English bulldogs will be banned and some police will carry readers to check if a dog is microchipped.
本专栏由前卫英语李德良老师主编 www.davidlee.url.tw
The policy will go into effect on May 15th.
Dog ownership has exploded with China’s growing elite.