【禁闻】深圳三洋大罢工 2012大陆维权四起
















Strikes in Shenzhen

On January 14, more than 3,000 Sanyo Electric employees
in Shenzhen went on a strike because of labor disputes.
The local authorities sent riot police
for repression and arrests.
On January 13, more than two thousand workers dissatisfied
with long-term low-wage of Jiangxi Changhe Automobile Factory, launched a great strike too.

Scholars point out that since the beginning of the new year,
human rights movements in China appear one after another.
This indicates that the social unrests are increasing in 2012,
and the transformation could rely on protests to be realized.

At 11:00am on January 14, thousands of workers in Shenzhen
surrounded Shajing Town Plant of Sanyo Electric Co., leaving factory workshops empty.
According to the workers, over three thousand people
participated in the strike in a relatively calm order.
However, no factory management came out to respond
at that point

At 1:00 pm, militia and riot police suddenly arrived in Shajing,
and forcibly took several workers into their cars.
This has angered the workers, who started shouting
“release the arrested people," and the atmosphere got tense.

At 2:30pm, finally a person from the factory management
came out to talk to workers, escorted by the riot police.
Subsequently, some people began to leave.

Workers said the company has been sold, but the employees
did not get any compensation, which they find unacceptable.

On January 13, a strike happened at Jingdezhen Plant
of Jiangxi Changhe Automobile.
Over 2,000 people protested against the parent company,
“Chang’an Group" selling the brand of Changhe
without notifying workers or
holding workers representative meeting.
Moreover, Chang’an and Changhe have been restructured
for two years, but the wages of workers have stayed at RMB 1,700 a month.

Some workers representatives said that they want to retain
the brand of “Changhe Automobile," while improving wages.
If the factory does not give any explanation before
Chinese New Year, they would go to Beijing to appeal.

Around January 1, many uprising events had happened
in Henan, Ningxia and other places.

Guangzhou lawyer Tang Jingling said: “Since the beginning
of 2012, there is a constant social protest of some sort.
This should be regarded as a relatively good phenomenon.

Chinese people gain more courage to express their demands,
to resist oppression, and to resist injustice."

Oriental Daily News in Hong Kong pointed out: “China’s
human rights movements kicked off with the New Year,
thus social conflicts are expected to intensify in China.”

Liu Kaiming (Director, Contemporary Observation Institute,
Shenzhen): “Since 2004, workers’ strikes continued to rise.
In 2010, we have seen large-scale movements.

In 2011 there were not only strikes within the enterprises, but
large-scale conflicts between workers and local government.
This shows the conflicts between employers and employees,
migrant workers, local communities and government have become increasingly fierce.
It could be even said that they have reached
a critical point of instability."

Oriental Daily wrote that recently people of Wukan,
Guangdong, had launched a large-scale orderly protest.
They forced the officials to leave and subsequently
to engage in a talk with the villagers.
This bottom-up approach of a new human rights model
is bound to expand, spreading throughout the entire country.

Hu Jun (Human rights activist): “Chinese Communist Party’s
(CCP) plundering type of development model can not go on.
China is at a (point) of economic transformation.

To transform the economic structure,
we have to carry out political reform first.
That means to end the one-party dictatorship,
and the rule of the brutal force."

Lawyer Tang Jingling also said it’s impossible
for the CCP to give up their interests.
Thus future economic and political changes in China
must rely on people’s spontaneous protests and resistance.

NTD reporters Dai Jing, Li Mingfei And Zhou Ping
