【禁闻】解危机? 中共解放军副总长访美





《中国事务》总编辑 伍凡: “现在美国的制度和中国的制度,思想意识形态都不一样,双方都在较劲。 中共军方和美国军队坐下来做一些交流,或做一些探讨,双方摸底,不要误判,产生不必要的意外冲突。”




据报导,自22号开始,美国海军陆战队与日本自卫队进行为期37天的岛屿作战演习,表面上,演习并不以特定国家作为假想敌,但日本防卫省官员透露,“事实上这次演练是假想钓鱼岛‘受到中国军队侵入攻击’时,日方将如何夺岛的情况。 ”


伍凡: “两个大国,实际上说穿了都是在准备战争,准备总有一天打。如果中共的整个政治制度、社会制度、经济制度改变了,那么这个大战可能性就消失了,就好像冷战结束以后,苏联变成俄国了,那个战争可能性就没有了。”


采访/陈汉 编辑/宋风 后制/萧宇

Another High Level Military Delegation visits US
Thought Purpose is to Release Pressure – Analysts

The vice chief of People’s Liberation Army (PLA) General Staff
Department, Cai Yingting led a delegation to the United States on August 20th.
Neither China nor the United States made any official announce-
ment before the visit, which aroused attention from outside.
Analysts believe that the visit suggests the CCP wants to
avoid opposition to the US military in disputes with neighbor ing countries;
however, as both countries show an active attitude
in military deployment,
a war between China and the United states is inevitable
if China’s political regime does not change.

Cai Yingting’s is another high-level military group
which visits the United States
following the head of Ministry of National Defense,’s
Liang Guanglie’s visit three months ago.
Cai Yingting, who was promoted last year, is the youngest
vice chief of the PLA’s General Staff Department.
Cai’s entourage includes Wang Ning, chief of staff of
the Beijing Military Area Command,
Zheng Qunliang, deputy commander
of the Jinan Military Area Command,
Jia Xiaowei, chief of staff of the Guangzhou
Military Area Command and
Chen Shoumin, deputy head of the strategic planning
department of the PLA General Staff Headquarters.

Sources said that the delegation will visit the headquarters
of United States Pacific Command in Hawaii,
the largest military base of the armed forces at Fort Hood
in Texas and Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri where B-2 stealth bombers are stationed.

Political commentator, editor of China Affairs magazine
Wu Fan remarked that,
Cai’s visit was aimed at improving relations with the United
States rather than being a formal bilateral talk;
the CCP has tried to find solutions to the current territorial
dispute crisis with neighboring countries,
and to release the pressure between the armies of China
and the United States.

(Wu Fan, chief editor of China Affairs): ”The political regime
and ideology of the United States and China are very different.
Both countries are constantly battling with each other
in those fields.
Therefore, talks or communications between the armies aim
at exchanging attitudes and understandings with each other to avoid unnecessary military conflicts.”

Currently, the conflicts between the CCP and its neighboring
countries are becoming increasingly intense.
A short while ago the CCP announced the establishment of
Sansha city in the South China Sea.
This has intensified the territorial dispute between
China and Vietnam or the Philippines.
On the disputed Uotsuri Jima (Diaoyu Islands) problem,
the CCP and Japan are at loggerheads which could lead to war.
The CCP’s mouthpiece media, Global Times, announced that
the conflict over the sovereignty of Uotsuri Jima between the CCP and Japan is inextricable;
the CCP should make necessary preparations for possible
future military conflicts.
Professor at National Defense University Dai Xu even publicly
suggested capturing Japanese ships and attacking Japan’s maritime defense forces.

On the other hand, the CCP successfully fired a ballistic
missile JL-3 from its nuclear strategic submarine.
This has greatly encouraged Chinese nationalists
who advocate starting war.

In 2009, president Obama publicly announced that the
United States had moved back its military focus to Asia, which action directly conflicts with the CCP’s strategic goal.
The United States had led more than 10 joint military
exercises at different levels in Asia-Pacific region since 2012.
Many of them directly set China as the potential enemy,
which exerted great pressure on the CCP.

It is reported that the United States Marine Corps and Japan’s
defense forces will perform a 37-day joint military exercise on island battles from August 22nd.
Although there’s no official imaginary enemy in the exercise,
a Japanese defense official revealed that,
“the exercise is in fact a simulation of the capture of
the island if Uotsuri Jima were invaded by the CCP.”

Wu Fan remarked that, the United States and the CCP were
actively preparing for a future war;
the CCP was developing missiles, stealth aircraft and
space weapons; on the other hand,
the United States was also carrying out research on new
high-end weapons for a more advantageous lead in technique.

(Wu Fan): ”Both powers are preparing for a war
which may come about at some time in the future.
However, if the whole political, social and economic regime
of the CCP collapses, perhaps the war will not break out.
As we can see from a similar case, the disintegration of
the Soviet Union after the Cold War eliminated the possibility of war breaking out.”

Wu Fan believes that Cai’s visit is an exchange of attitudes
between both countries to avoid a possible coming war;
the United States might also be interested in understanding
the role which the army will play in the CCP’s regime after the 18th National Congress.
