




原史学教授 刘因全:“江泽民事实上是踏着六四学生的血迹到了北京,到了中南海的,他是六四事件的一个既得利益者。 ”









采访编辑/唐睿 后制/朱娣

Justice for ‘June 4th’ is Difficult

Yao Jianfu, a public intellectual in China, has recently
published a transcript in New Historical Records magazine.
The transcript is an interview of Du Runsheng, the ‘father’
of China’s rural area reform, talking about the 6-4 issue.
6-4 refers to the Tiananmen Square massacre of June 4 1989.

Du’s transcript showed that Jiang Zemin’s
hands are not clean on the issue of 6-4.
Without 6-4, Jiang would not have become
General Secretary of Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Du believes that to seek justice for 6-4
is to deny Jiang Zemin’s administration.
This makes it hard to have justice for 6-4.

Yao Jianfu published transcripts of Du Runsheng discussing
6-4 on March 17, 2005 in New Historical Records magazine.
This was in commemoration of Du’s 100 birthday.

In Du’s conversation, Jiang Zemin’s hands
are not clean when it comes to 6-4 issue.
Without 6-4, Jiang could not have
become General Secretary of the CCP.

Former History Professor Liu Yinquan said that

Jiang Zemin was a pioneer in suppressing
the democratic movements before 6-4.
In order to suppress reformers, Jiang has done many
practical things to win conservative leaders’ support.

Professor Liu Yinquan: “Jiang Zemin stepped
on the bloodstains of students in 6-4 massacre.
He went to Beijing and to Zhongnanhai,
and benefited from 6-4."

Du Runsheng also pointed out that Jiang Zemin
closed down Shanghai’s World Economic Herald.
This resulted in the intensification
of the student protests in 1989.
According to historical records,
on April 15, 1989, Hu Yaobang died.
As the editor-in-chief of World Economic Herald,

CCP member Qin Benli decided to mourn Hu Yaobang
on a prominent position on the front page.
Qin intended to set up a column in memory of Hu Yaobang,
but was severely reprimanded and dismissed by Jiang.

The World Economic Herald was considered to be the
most open-minded newspaper in China at that time.
It was popular among academics and young students.

After the Herald was closed by Jiang,
in an unprecedented move,
it brought journalists and the majority of
intellectuals into the democratic movement in 1989.

Du Runsheng believes vindicating 6-4 is actually a denial
to Jiang’s administration, so it would be difficult to do.

Sun Wenguang says that Jiang Zemin can’t
shirk the blame for the 6-4 massacre.

Sun Wenguang, retired professor of Shandong University:
“It also involves the legitimacy of the CCP itself.
The Cultural Revolution was a catastrophe, 6-4 is too.

It has not only killed people, imprisoned people, sentenced
people, and shot people, it has also broke from the political reform led by Zhao Ziyang and Hu Yaobang.
These actions are a more serious setback."

Liu Yinquan: “If we had justice for the 6-4 massacre, it would
disclose Jiang Zemin’s actions in preparing the 6-4 massacre,
his actions during the massacre, and his fighting back with
conservatives after the 6-4 massacre.
Jiang and his whole faction would be completely

After suppressing the 6-4 movement, Jiang,
who had been stained with blood, did not stop.
Jiang continued with the persecution
of Falun Gong practitioners, who believe in “truthfulness, benevolence, and forbearance".
This has resulting in tens of thousands of broken families.

Truth Network reported that on October 22, 2002,

Jiang Zemin was sued in the U.S. Illinois Northern
District court by Falun Gong practitioners.
Jiang was accused of “crimes against humanity"
and “genocide".
After that, Jiang has been sued by overseas Falun Gong
practitioners in Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Australia,
Belgium, Spain, Taiwan, Germany, Canada, Greece
and Hong Kong for “crimes against humanity" and “genocide".
It is the largest lawsuit for mankind in the 21st century.
