





蒋洁敏被调查 或涉“大老虎”周永康



两千警镇压示威 发帖者被威胁



六交警打昏1车伕 千人殴警砸车




The New York Times: Explosive Element Of Bo Xilai’s Trial

Recently, the New York Times obtained two documents
about Bo Xilai’s trial.
The documents were written by a court observer, showing
content deleted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The New York Times revealed the information shows Bo’s
downfall was not simply on accusations of bribery,
corruption and abuse of power, it was also associated
with the CCP’s high-level political infighting.
The report said that “it is perhaps the most explosive
element to have emerged in the courtroom.”

Bo was linking the CCP central officials to the abuse
of power charge.

Bo said in secret testimony that he had received a “six-point
guidance” from Central Politics and Law Commission (CPLC).
One point told him to “use health reasons in the name of
humanitarianism” in explaining Wang Lijun’s disappearance.

The report said, the guidance would presumably have been
approved by Zhou Yongkang, head of the CPLC at that time.

Jiang Jiemin Investigated As A Likely Associate Of “Big Tiger” Zhou Yongkang

On September 1, Chinese media reported on
the investigation of Jiang Jiemin.
Jiang is the former Chairman of China National
Petroleum Company (CNPC),
and the current head of the State-owned Assets
Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC).

Following the recent arrest of four senior officials from CNPC,
Jiang was another one to be arrested.

Foreign media said Jiang was associated with Zhou Yongkang,
retired head of Politburo, whose career started in the oil industry.

Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post English edition
reported that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) top-level
had decided in an informal meeting in Beidaihe,
to investigate Zhou Yongkang’s financial corruption.

Sources said that CNPC was not only where Zhou Yongkang
had made his fortune, but also his main source of assets.

Fujian 2,000 Police Crackdown On Farmers’Protest

On August 31, several thousands villagers in Wangcuo village
in Jinjiang City, Fujian Province held its third large-scale protest.
It was against village cadres who bribed governmental officials
to secretly sell off the villagers’farmlands.
Village cadres also seized farmers’land compensations.

Two thousands police were sent over and
blockaded the village.
Many farmers were injured, 20 were arrested.
The authorities censored the news.

Villagers spread the news online, local police ordered it deleted.
Police threatened to charge them if it was not removed.

Radio Free Asia reported that police in Jinjiang City
confirmed they had told the villagers to delete the news.
Police claimed that although the protest has taken place and it
is not a rumor, they didn’t allow protesters to expand its influence.
The authorities called the villagers who posted the news online,
and told them they knew everything about them.
So the villagers should understand the serious consequences.

Six Traffic Police Beat A Man Unconscious, People Beat Police And Smash Their Car In Mass Protest

On August 31, another incident of police clashing with citizens
occurred in a supermarket in Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province.

When traffic wardens were inspecting vehicles,
they started to argue with a three-wheel bicycle owner.
Six traffic police beat the owner,
leaving him unconscious and with incontinence.

The police actions aroused the peoples’anger.
Thousands surrounded police shouting angrily.
Some police were beaten and injured. Police cars were smashed,
the license plates were taken down.

Many armed police were sent over and dispersed
the crowds. They escorted the injured police away.
