













采访/常春 编辑/王子琦 后制/陈建铭

How Will Xi Jinping Push for Bolder Reforms in the Second Half?

Yu Keping, Chinese Deputy Secretary of
Central Compilation and Translation Bureau,
spoke in Hong Kong just a few days ago
about political reform.
He agreed that political reform has never been satisfactory
since Communist China’s reform & opening up 30 years ago.
He listed the top ten problems existing in the current system.

He believes General Secretary Xi Jinping will promote
bolder reforms during the 18th session of the Third Plenary Session in the second half of this year.

Hong Kong media reported Yu Keping
had spoken on the 28th April in Hong Kong,
about how Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang will continue
along the lines of reform of Deng Xiaoping.

Yu Keping did not say what kind of reform it will be.

But he specifically said that China’s political reform can not
be promoted by crises like Guangdong Wukan incident.

Commentator Wen Zhao analyzed Deng Xiaoping’s
reform targeted only the economy but not the politics.
That is a non-substantive reform. This type of economic
reform will at most become bureaucratic capitalism.
It is capitalism with some market economy under the premise
of maintaining the privileges and political interests of the CCP.
Above all else, the so-called principles
can not be touched at all.

Commentator Wen Zhao: “That is the position of the
Communist Party, that it can not be shaken,
which means the privileged status can not be shaken either.

Without fundamental changes to the political system,

the reforms will simply be just minor adjustments to the
institutions & functions within the framework of the government.
They will make some adjustments in governance.

A reform at this level will not restore social justice,
nor solve the contradictions facing the Communist regime."

Yu Keping also listed 10 problems in the current system,
such as, the basic democratic system is far from perfect,
public power lacks effective control,
power relations lose balance, and so forth.
He believed the regime’s new leaders are concerned
about the needs of the masses.
Therefore, he predicted the future will develop
from centralization to decentralization, from the rule of man to the rule of law.

However, Wen Zhao pointed out, the general public
are more concerned about their own personal interests.
For instance, income growth can not keep up with market
growth. Costs are high, such as the housing and medicines.
Therefore, income structure adjustment concerns many more
people and relates to the change of the political system.

Wen Zhao: “The Communist Party monopolizes
all the key social resources.
This type of political system will not make any substantive
change to the structure of the distribution of benefits.
Now people have realized that it is the entire system
that contributes to the difficulty in their lives.
It’s not about a lack of hard work or their talents."

Earlier, the former director of the Central Compilation
and Translation Bureau Yi Junqing, left the post because of “sex scandals".
In response to Hong Kong Apple Daily reporter’s
question about Yi Jungqing’s whereabouts,
Yu Keping said, “He’s still working, but has lost his title.”

As for whether there are other sanctions,
he said, “to be decided at the top".

Commentator Hen He does not believe the regime
will punish Yi Junqing because his behavior was quite common to the Communist regime.
He commented, Marxism is atheist and
opposes basic moral value.
It is therefore quite common for people like Yi Junqing
who promotes Marxism, to commit such behaviors.

Commentator Hen He: “He engages in Marxism,
and inevitably is moral turpitude.
It would be strange if he has a good set of morals.
He lost his title and it was just an act to quell public anger.
His position was removed, but his power over the
operation still exists.
It’s all in-house, to study Marxism. That’s what it’s all about."

The report also stated that it is alleged the Central Committee
Political Bureau Standing Committee Liu Yunshan,
pushed for Yi Junqing’s stay for Yi, was responsible for
composing the so-called “three self-confidence" theory.

Hen He indicated that under the current situation
when the vast majority of Chinese and cadres no longer believe in the Communist ideology,
Yi Junqing continued to deceive the public with the Marxism-
Leninism doctrines, with his nicely packaged theory.
A person like this is rare to the regime.
The Communist regime will surely keep him available.
