【禁闻】委托贷款违约骨牌效应 谁买单?



据美国《华尔街日报》报导,能够获得信贷的大型上市公司,是委托贷款的踊跃提供者,这些企业不投资自己的核心业务,而是将手中资金以高于官方数倍的利率,借给资金紧缺的企业, 有的利率高达24.5%.













采访编辑/刘惠 后制/李智远

Who Will Pay for Default Entrusted Loans in China?

Last year in China, the number of entrusted
loans increased by a net 2.55 trillion yuan.
The main source of these loans
are industries such as real estate.
Currently, this unique type of entrusted loan in
China is not only limited to the listed companies.
These companies took low-interest loans from a bank
and entrusted the bank to release it with high interest.
Now, banks are trying to get involved as well.
Experts point out that these entrusted loans may crash the
economy, because of a domino effect from increasing costs.
The subsequent crisis of mass printing money
will also be shifted to impact the general public.

According to China Central Bank’s 2013 Social
Financing Report, new entrusted loans increased
by a net 2.55 trillion yuan ($407.38 billion) last year.
This reflects a 190% increase from 2010, an equivalent
of 29% of all new yuan bank loans issued during the year.

WSJ reported that large, publicly traded
companies with access to credit, are among
the most active providers of entrusted loans.

These companies, instead of investing in their core
businesses, lend funds at hand to cash-strapped
businesses at several times the official interest rate.

Banks make money by charging fees to both
the lending company and the borrower.
However, in practice, some banks have disguised loans
made with their own capital as entrusted loans, thereby
helping them skirt regulatory limits on lending, reports WSJ.

Professor Frank Xie, School of Business,
University of South Carolina Aiken: “This
will only happen in a society like China.
In China, there is a shortage of money, an unhealthy
banking system, and rampant privileged interests.
This is rarely seen in a normal country, because
it is not what an ordinary company would do.
It is outside of its business core and profession,
with a risk that’s beyond its capacity.
Excess funds will be used for further
development or reinvestment."

Gong Shengli, researcher, Chinese Financial
think tank: “Banks won’t do it if there’s no profit.
They allow people to make high profits, but, it with
high interest rates to those who really need the money.
Secondly, it may create disorder
for the flow of money in the market.
Thirdly, it is possible that people
can’t afford to pay the loans back."

According to reports, these entrusted loans were mostly
invested in real estate and other overcapacity industries.
In 2011, about 21% of all entrusted
loans went into the property sector.

Now, these entrusted loans are facing a lot of default.
In mid-April, Sainty Marine said an
entrusted loan it made had gone bad.
A local property developer failed to
repay 90 million yuan, plus interest.
On the same day, Qiaqia Food also announced
an ongoing lawsuit over a 40 million yuan loan.
Listed companies such as Hubei Yihua Chemical
Industry, and China Bird are facing entrusted
loans defaults from real estate developers.

Professor Frank Xie: “Now China’s real estate is facing
the bubble bursting, and other huge usury bursts.
The spread of the real estate crisis to other industries
will cause a chain reaction in the entire economy.
It will lead to bankruptcy and
crisis in every corner of society."

Mr. Tang, economist: “I believe it
will be a comprehensive collapse.
Everybody can feel it now. The next stage will
be the release or digestion of this overcapacity.
More money will be printed to resist the risks.
That’s what the banks have pushed the
state to do. Printing money to offset risk.
However, money printing is disguised robbery."

It is said that the China Construction Bank
(CCB) is the leader of entrusted loans.
At the end of last year, CCB entrusted
loans reached 1.4 trillion yuan.

In addition, banks lack motivation to audit and supervise
loans, since the risk is basically borne by the clients.
Therefore, there might be loopholes
over supervision of entrusted loan.

In 2006, media criticized mortgage loans as a
grey industry, with too many pitfalls and risks.
This is especially so with disguised-loans.
The bank may loan a real estate company with money from
another company’s deposits, in the name of entrusted loans.

However, the China Banking Regulatory Commission
(CBRC) has publicly encouraged banks to enlarge
the merge and recombination of funding sources
through entrusted loans since last November.

Economist Mr Zheng says that with a shrinking
market, stagnant consumption, and increased
costs from entrusted loans, entrepreneurs
have given up on running real businesses.
Consequently, social crises will become unmanageable.

Interview & Edit/Liu Hui Post-Production/Li Zhiyuan
